Prof. Dr. Sinan Ersin

1394 sokak No: 11 Sağlık Merkezi Apartmanı. Kat: 4 Daire: 10 Alsancak - İzmir


+90 (232) 464 67 68 - +90 (536) 355 27 66

Hernias and Treatment

Hernia can be defined as the development of the organs in the abdomen from a weak or torn point on the tissues such as muscle and muscle sheath that form the abdominal wall, appearing under the skin and protruding at that point.




Statistics on Hernia

• It is one of the most common problems in humans.

• It is seen in 3-8% of the general population.

• 90% of patients with inguinal hernia are male.



What Types of Hernias Are There?

Patchless Repairs in Inguinal Hernia

  • There are repairs that surgeons such as Bassini, McVay, Shouldice describe with their own names.
  • Although good results have been reported from specialized centers, the same results have not been obtained in all studies.

Patched Repair in Inguinal Hernia

The patch is stitched to the hernia area and a more robust repair is obtained.

The Anatomy After the Patched Repair is Schematically As Above.


Laparoscopic Surgery in Inguinal Hernia




  • Hernia repair can also be done by laparoscopic (closed) method.
  • Patch is also used in this repair.
  • It includes all the advantages of laparoscopic surgery.
  • Less pain
  • Faster recovery
  • The most important disadvantage is its high cost.




Inguinal hernia in the elderly

According to statistics, the risk of obstruction or compression and strangulation of inguinal hernias seen in elderly people is higher.

Elderly individuals, who seem to be more vulnerable to the negative effects of anesthesia drugs, also have many comorbidities.

It is possible to successfully perform hernia surgeries in elderly patients with a good plan and effective preparation.

Spinal or local anesthesia can be safely applied to patients at risk for general anesthesia.

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