1394 sokak No: 11 Sağlık Merkezi Apartmanı. Kat: 4 Daire: 10 Alsancak - İzmir
What is the function of the gallbladder?
The gallbladder is a small organ that accumulates bile produced by the liver and secretes it in large quantities after meals. The bile that the gall bladder empties into the duodenum is used for the digestion of fats.
Is stones in the gallbladder a common disease?
It is a very common situation. Its incidence increases with age. For example, according to statistics in the United States, 20% of women between the ages of 50-65 and 5% of men have gallstones.
Why do stones form in the gallbladder?
There are many reasons for stone formation. For example, the substances in bile exist in certain proportions to create a balance with each other. When there is a deterioration in these proportions, a ground is formed for stone formation. In addition, genetic influences, various blood diseases, infections of this area, mechanical reasons that make bile flow difficult, high cholesterol levels, etc. It can cause stone development.
What are the risk factors for developing gallstones?
Advanced age
Be woman,
Estrogen use,
Genetic predisposition,
Some blood diseases,
How are stones in the gall bladder diagnosed?
The most appropriate diagnostic method to investigate the presence of stones in the gallbladder is abdominal ultrasound. The most important advantages of the method are easy application and no side effects. It is possible to detect gallstones with 98% success with abdominal ultrasound. It is possible to have information about many features such as the number and size of stones developing in the gallbladder with this examination performed while hungry.
What complaints does stones in the gall bladder cause?
Most patients with stones in the gall bladder do not have any complaints. Sometimes, stones are detected incidentally during an abdominal ultrasonography performed for control purposes only. These are also called silent stones. Although gallstones can remain silent for many years without causing any problems, they can sometimes appear suddenly with very severe complaints. Symptoms such as nausea and vomiting may accompany the abdominal pain of patients with stones in the gallbladder. The duration and character of the abdominal pain in question may vary. Sometimes there are complaints after an oily meal, sometimes this situation has nothing to do with food. While pain often occurs in the upper part of the abdomen and on the right side, it can sometimes be in the midline and can be reflected between the two shoulder blades in the back area. The pain usually lasts between 15 minutes and 4 hours after it starts. If it continues uninterruptedly and reaches a period of 6 hours, then an inflammatory process caused by the stone has either started or is about to begin. This is not a condition that can be controlled with pain relievers or other medications at home. The person should immediately apply to a health institution. Stones in the gallbladder can also cause more serious problems. Depending on the falling of stones from the gallbladder to the main bile duct, more serious pictures called obstructive jaundice or pancreatic inflammation may occur.
What symptoms occur when the gallbladder is inflamed?
In this case, high fever and increase in blood leukocyte count are added to the abdominal pain that continues uninterrupted after a while. This is a very important situation and needs to be intervened in a short time.
Does it matter if the stone is big or small?
Stones occurring in the gallbladder can be of different sizes and numbers. Especially small stones are more risky in terms of falling into the common bile duct and causing obstructive jaundice or pancreatic inflammation. On the other hand, large stones can cause different problems by compressing the wall of the gallbladder.
Are stones in the gallbladder removed during surgery?
This question is one of the most curious issues for patients undergoing gallbladder surgery. Once a stone is formed in the gallbladder, this also shows us that there is a problem with the function of the gallbladder. Therefore, if only the stones are taken, new stone formation is inevitable after a while. Therefore, not only the stones but also the whole gall bladder are removed in the gallbladder surgery.
What treatment is done if stones falling into the common bile duct cause jaundice?
In such a case, the stones that have fallen into the main canal must first be taken care of. In the past, during an open surgery, both the gall bladder was removed and the main canal was intervened. However, today this process is solved with more modern techniques. The stones in this area are cleaned by entering the main bile duct with an endoscopic procedure known as ERCP (or ERKP). In the next stage, the gall bladder is removed with a closed surgery. Thus, a significant reduction in the size of the surgery is provided.
Is open surgery or laparoscopic surgery better?
The answer to this question is indisputably closed surgery. However, in some cases, it may not be possible to perform the surgery closed. In this case, of course, open surgery will be preferred. Gall bladder surgery may not be performed with the closed method in patients who have previously undergone surgery in the upper abdominal area with the open method. Sometimes, inflammation caused by stones in the gallbladder may not allow closed surgery by causing excessive adhesions in the gallbladder. In such a situation, the surgeon may have to continue the operation by turning the surgery that he started closed to an open method.
What are the advantages of the laparoscopic method?
Laparoscopic method is carried out with the help of 3-4 half and one centimeter holes. Therefore, compared to the pain caused by the large incision in the open method, laparoscopic surgery provides a much more comfortable postoperative period. In addition, the patient can be discharged the day after laparoscopic surgery, while this period is much longer in open surgery. Of course, this situation also affects the time the person returns to their normal life. Another issue is the possibility of developing a hernia at the operation site. This risk is much higher in open surgery than in laparoscopic surgery.
Are the operations performed under general or local anesthesia?
Whether it is open surgery or laparoscopic surgery, gallbladder surgeries are performed under general anesthesia.
How long does recovery occur after the operation?
The patient, who is discharged the day after the operation, can easily return to work after a week.
Does the lack of gall bladder in the body cause a problem?
Since the gallbladder is removed, it will not be possible to store bile produced by the liver. Instead, bile will flow continuously into the duodenum. Since a small amount of bile is sufficient for fat digestion, there will be no problems. However, minor complaints (gas, bloating, etc.) may occur after meals until they get used to this new situation in the digestive system (3 months - 1 year).
Is there a relationship between gallstones and gallbladder cancer?
This is because most patients with gallbladder cancer also have gallstones. Although there are serious claims that gallbladder cancer may occur due to a chronic infection of the stone that has been in the gallbladder for many years, this has not been proven definitively.
Is there any problem in the digestive system after gallbladder surgery?
Most people do not have any major problems with digestion after surgery. However, there may be some digestive problems that affect the eating style. Some people may experience different difficulties in digesting fat in the first month after surgery. Eating a low-fat diet can help in this regard. Diarrhea may occur due to deficiency in fat digestion. This problem is often temporary and does not require any treatment. However, diarrhea problems may take longer, especially in obese people. In this case, a diet low in fat is recommended. Constipation may also be experienced due to the intense use of postoperative painkillers. Consuming plenty of fiber or grain foods will help solve this problem. Sometimes additional medication may be required.
How should nutrition be after surgery?
In the first days, juicy foods such as soup and compote should be preferred frequently, but in small amounts. If there is no nausea, you can switch to carbohydrate-based foods such as bread and boiled potatoes.
What foods should be avoided after surgery?
French fries, all other types of frying, chocolate, pizza, offal, sausage-sausage, fatty meats, creams, fatty cheese types should not be eaten in the early period (first month).
When can one take a bath?
Although this situation may vary depending on the suture technique applied to the skin, it is generally OK to take a shower 72 hours after the operation. If there is still a leakage from the wound, taking a shower may be delayed.